One who trains his body and soul to fight the enemy with all his might.
No Stat Change
default title
Drifting Swordsman
The boy sets out on a journey, bearing his sins. Do not forget the past.
+1HP +2STR +2DEF
obtained automatically
Eternal Swordsman
The sword promises eternity, and its radiance will transcend time and space.
+7HP +7STR +6DEF +6ACC
obtained automatically
Gourmet King
A charismatic master of the culinary arts with a golden tongue.
master all recipes
You gotta try on something new. You're always wearing what Dirk made.
Changes Outfit
complete the dance party sidequest
Arrgh, Me Hearties
The ocean...humanity's first frontier. The title given to one who loves the sea.
Changes Outfit
during the Aifread sidequest
Beach Boy
A snorkel, goggles, and flippers. How can you say you don't like the ocean?
Changes Outfit
complete the beach party sidequest
Gentle Idealist
The ideals he holds may be unrealistic, but many are moved by his heart.
+1TP +4DEF +4INT
obtained automatically
Peeping Tom
Even if it's a false accusation, it's not good to be a peeping tom!
complete the hot springs sidequest
Midlife Crisis
A title for you who scrutinized middle-aged men racing across the desert.
+1TP +6INT
identify 100 men in the Uncle minigame
Sword of Swords
A gladiator who fights only believing in his victory. His swordplay rallies the crowd.
+4HP +3TP +4STR +4DEF +4INT +4EVA +4ACC
complete Advanced Single Mode in the Coliseum
Tactical Leader
Friendship. Strength. Victory. Trust and teamwork brings ultimate glory.
+3TP +5INT +5EVA +5ACC
with Lloyd in the party, complete Party Mode in the Coliseum
Grand Swordsman
The lofty spirit that lives by the sword. His skillful attacks could be called art.
+4HP +4STR +3DEF
reach level 20
Master Swordsman
The demonic thrusts could create a whirlwind. The title represents his strength.
+5HP +5STR +4DEF +4ACC
reach level 40
Holy Sword
A man who has reached the pinnacle of battle. He commands respect from all.
+10DEF +10EVA
reach level 100
Combo Newbie
The title given to those who have completed a 10-hit combo.
with Lloyd in the party, get a 10-hit combo
The title given to those who have completed a 30-hit combo.
+1TP +4STR +4ACC
with Lloyd in the party, get a 30-hit combo
Combo Expert
Combo, combo, combo! The title given to those who have completed a 60-hit combo.
+6HP +2TP +6STR +2ACC
with Lloyd in the party, get a 60-hit combo
Combo Master
He who crosses countless hurdles and completes a 100-hit combo.
+5TP +10ACC
with Lloyd in the party, get a 100-hit combo
Tetra Slash
Execution of the four combo attack by linking a Special Attack to a normal combo.
+2HP +2STR
while controlling Lloyd, combo three attacks and a special attack
Brave Soul
He who does not turn his back on enemies will be awarded this title.
+5HP +5STR +4DEF +5EVA
with Lloyd in the party, defeat Yuan without ever having run from a battle
Lone General
The title for a lonely warrior who gave orders when no one was there.
while controlling Lloyd, issue Orders while all other party members are KOed
Boorish General
Shortcuts to do this, do that... The title for the one who loves giving orders.
+1TP +3INT
while controlling Lloyd, use 10 shortcuts in a battle
Gung Ho
Who cares what level the enemy is! The title for those who love to rush in and fight!
+6HP +2TP +5DEF
with Lloyd in the party, defeat Rodyle with a party whose combined level is 145 or less (35 or less each, if they're the same level)
Eternal Apprentice
He who earns this title never doubts the strength of a Wooden Blade.
+3HP +2STR +2DEF +4EVA +3ACC
with Lloyd in the party, defeat Kilia without ever having unequipped the Wooden Sword
The title given to a true warrior who has undying lust for battle.
+10HP +10STR +6ACC
fight 256 battles on hard or mania difficulty
Palmacosta Pro (Chronicles only)
Trouble in Palmacosta? From pet problems to critical crises, he's the one to call!
complete the Orienteering minigame in under a minute
Unrivialed Blade (Chronicles only)
The legacy of an ancient warrior whose twin blades etched his name into history.
Changes Outfit
choose Kratos in Flanoir then complete a sidequest
Guardian (Chronicles only)
You could at least be happy to see me, after I went to the trouble of waiting for you.
Changes Outfit
finish the game